TATWERK Newsletter

We regularly send out newsletters about our events and activities and those of our cooperation partners*. The newsletter is sent via the MailChimp service. (For more details, see the data protection regulations).
The newsletter can be cancelled at any time.

Thank you for your interest!



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The working model

Together with each artist and group, the management team develops a cooperation concept tailored to their needs in order to provide support in those areas where there is the greatest need.

Thus, TATWERK takes on various tasks in the different phases of the work, such as support in the applications, dramaturgical advicing, production management or press and public relations.

Curatorial approach

The focus is on political and poetic projects of the performative arts, especially the exploration of thematic and aesthetic fields of tension between different artistic, social and scientific disciplines.

Priority is given to visionary concepts that reflect and question social dynamics, that introduce new ways of working and formats into the scene on the basis of their questions.

At TATWERK, curation means discussion and conversation at eye level.
Our goal is the formation of sustainable networks. Intensive collaboration creates inspiration and stimulation for all participants and ultimately serves continuity in one's own artistic practice.

Are you interested in working at TATWERK?
We are looking forward to your inquiries to  .

TATWERK sees itself as a laboratory for the exploration of aesthetic potentials and forms a diverse community as an incubator of new ideas, perspectives and practices.

The focus is on political and poetic projects, visionary concepts that reflect and question social dynamics and introduce new ways of working and formats to the scene based on their questions.

The team around Aurora Kellermann and Chris Wohlrab is dedicated to creating the best possible working conditions for artists of the independent performing arts, to building sustainable networks and cooperations, and to providing the audience with a straightforward, yet intense and profound access to the world of experience of the performing arts.

At TATWERK, artists perform in a variety of formats: there are premieres and guest performances, but also analog and digital work shows and work-in-progress. Thus, at our events we welcome a diverse audience that wants to go on a voyage of discovery into the depths of contemporary performing arts.

Starting in 2022, TATWERK will open up to the public space and, together with the artists, explore the potential impact of their work beyond their own premises.


Supported by: Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe within the the production centers funding (Produktionsortförderung)

Logo Senatsverwaltung für Kultur

The Studio of TATWERK | PERFORMATIVE FORSCHUNG is situated in the backyard of Hasenheide No. 9, 3rd floor.
Entrance 1 is located exactly at the end of the second courtyard, in front of the gate.

There are numerous bicycle parking spaces in the courtyard as well as limited, fee-based parking spaces.

The Hermannplatz with its connections to underground (U7 and U8) and buses can be reached by foot in 5 minutes.

The studio is accessible by freight elevator at ground level.
If needed, please inform us in advance by email to .
For assistance on site please call this number: 030 683 227 70.

The entire area of the TATWERK is step-free.
The width of the door to the sanitary area is 68 cm, that to the toilet cabins 64 cm.

Information according to § 5 TMG:

TATWERK Pumo/Wohlrab GbR
Hasenheide 9
Gewerbehof, Aufgang 1, 3.OG
10967 Berlin

Fon: +49 30 683 227 70

Sales tax identification number according to §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE318875904
Details of professional liability insurance: Name and registered office: Feuersozietät Berlin Brandenburg, Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft
Postal address: 10913 Berlin
Area of validity of the insurance: Germany

Web design and implementation:
Olaf Jelinski using the open source projects Joomla! & Master3, based on the UIkit3 framework.

It can be used for rehearsals andworkshops hosting up to 25 people.
For performance and events, according to the stage situation, the studio can host up to 80 people.

The usable floor space amounts to 120 m2. Download the ground plan for more information.

The studio is equipped with wooden floor, light and sound system, a projector and mobile chairs for the audience.



  • 1 Mixer (18 Channels)
  • 8 PC 500W
  • 4 Profiler 750W
  • 4 PAR 56 (350W)
  • 4 PAR 56 Long (300W)
  • 10 PAR 30 (100W)
  • 2 Dimmer 4 x 1000W
  • 2 Lightbars 4 x 350W


  • PA 550W
  • Mixer 12 Channels


60 Chairs, Cushions


1 Projector

Ground Plan

PDF-file of the studio for download

Requests please:


logo of Proberaumplattform

Aurora Kellermann

artistic direction & communication

Aurora Kellermann graduated in acting and later in theater studies in Rome. In 2007 she moved to Berlin, where she participated in various projects both at city theaters and in Berlin's independent theater scene as an actress, performer, writer and director.

Since November 2014, together with Chris Wohlrab, she has been directing TATWERK | Performative Forschung and is primarily responsible for programming and communication.

more about Aurora

Chris Wohlrab

production & administration

Chris Wohlrab was born and raised in East Berlin. As a freelance production manager and assistant director, he has worked since 2010 in various projects.

Together with his partner Aurora Kellermann, he has been running the studio TATWERK | Performative Forschung since 2014, producing projects at the intersection of research, documentation and performance under the label DERIVAT.

more about Chris

Aurora & Chris Chris & Aurora

Are you looking for a rehearsal space?
Are you planning a new project?
Do you want to cooperate with us?

At TATWERK you will find the basis for your work.
We offer the space for rehearsals and research and if needed we are at your side in the different phases of a project. Learn more about the practice at TATWERK and our way of working.

We look forward to receiving your inquiries:  

Current program series at TATWERK

A Serious Playground


  • Working detached from a concrete project plan.
  • Exploring and developing themes and artistic languages.
  • Exchange with the audience and other artists to push ideas forward.
A Serious Playground

Sharing Before Showing


  • Rehearse and present the project before the premiere.
  • Meet the audience in different formats, in accordance with the objective of the process.
Sharing Before Showing

Stripped Works


  • Premieres and guest performances at TATWERK, curated by the team.
  • All performances will be accompanied by different mediation activities, which will promote the exchange with the audience and with other artist:s.
Stripped Works

… and the focus of the season

Between Us

Logo takepart


  • Backstage Peeping on Twitch
  • An open experiment: Can content and modes of the independent scene fertilize mainstream streaming platforms?

This program invites selected artists to realize independent, digital and discursive formats within their own work processes. These will be explicitly designed to be streamed on Twitch.

As theater has done for millennia, the Internet generates communities that reach a very intimate level through the filter of the medium. Unlike theater, which can only fully develop its strengths in immediate presence, the Internet works best in physical isolation.
Both media are based on an illusion that can be so powerful, to create worlds where there is actually nothing - this is also where the »between us« is rooted.

This experiment is meant to open a door. It is to allow an approach to the language of contemporary performing arts.
The users of the internet should know that the plays of the independent scene are also made for them.

On our projects page you will find the participants of this program.

Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

Between Us

… and last but not least


Together with each artist, we develop a cooperation concept tailored to the respective needs.

It is important to us that the cooperation is based on trust and that the artistic concept relates to the positions of TATWERK.Cooperation